WordPress Training – Saves You Time
How can WordPress training help me? Chances are you decided to use WordPress because it is free and allows you to update your own website. However you would not be alone in finding it tricky to sometimes work out how to use it most effectively.
Of course if you had 5 hours a day to work on it, things might be different. But you don’t. Sometimes you spend hours just trying to work out how to do something that you know must be really simple and should only take a couple of minutes.
WordPress Training Tutorials
There are plenty of free videos on YouTube that show you how to use WordPress, but they quickly become out of date. In fact I have created a number of WordPress training tutorials that you are welcome to watch for free – WordPress Tutorial 1 or Youtube Channel. These were created a few years ago so the version of WordPress is out of date now.
If you want to make sure you are always up to date, we now have access to 30 basic WordPress videos that are updated when WordPress updates. We can install these into the dashboard of your website for $100. These show you how to create pages and upload images and many more of the basic functions.
What I have found in practice is that people often want very specific help with WordPress and it is often specific to the theme/ template or plugins they are using. In this case it can be hard to find help. That is when individual WordPress training can help. This training can be tailored to what you actually need specifically for your website.
Individual Tailored WordPress Training
The WordPress training service we provide in person is in Brisbane, Australia or via skype to the rest of the world. We also include screen capture videos of parts of the training. We will record the parts that are specific to your site. These are uploaded to your YouTube account so that you can access these in the future. (We will create an account for you if you don’t have one). You then have these as reference
If you would like me to create a WordPress training tutorial specifically for you contact me or would like to book some training